Google Ads Audit.

google ads audit
Optimierung Marketing

Google Ads Audit.

Digital marketing evolves faster than the world around us. As a freelancer specialized in Google Ads, I am always aware of the most advanced tools and strategies that Google offers to maximize the performance of your campaigns.

I have developed a complete Google Ads audit designed to identify all the weak points of your digital marketing strategy on this platform. This audit is the first step to optimize your campaigns and take your business to the next level.

Get your free and no-obligation consultation now!

Optimierung Marketing

The Google Ads audit consists of the following points.

  • Management Summary:
    1. Key figures – Summary of the account status.
    2. Competitors data.
    3. Evaluation of improvement potential.
  • Business model analysis:
    1. Target audience.
    2. User experience.
    3. Seasonality
    4. Competitive analysis.
  • Analysis of Google Ads accounts:
    1. Account structure.
    2. Campaigns.
    3. Keywords.
    4. Text ads.
    5. Ad extensions.
    6. Landing pages.
  • Google Ads performance analysis:
    1. Conversions and tracking.
    2. Performance
  • Google Analytics analysis:
    1. Landing pages analysis.
    2. Google Analytics configuration.
  • Summary of results.
  • Strategy for implementing measures.
    1. Tasks
    2. Priorities
  • Division of work.
  • Time management for accounts and tasks.
  • Implementation schedule.    
Optimierung Marketing

I will be part of your marketing team, working together to drive your goals.

Optimierung Marketing

Let’s talk?

Looking to improve your digital marketing strategy? Contact me, and I’ll get back to you shortly.

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